There are many benefits to joining Dunfermline Cycling Club, not least the chance to be able to talk to like-minded people with a wealth of experience. Fellow club members will be able to give you lots of advice on what equipment to buy, which events to do, cycling etiquette, how to prepare for racing and generally make cycling a more enjoyable experience.
Joining the club will allow you to cycle on all of the our organised rides. Non-members are allowed to ride with the club five times before being expected to join. This gives non-members the chance to try out the club before committing to becoming a member. Please feel free to come along to one of our weekly rides, the Saturday cafe run is usually the best place to start. Please introduce yourself when you arrive at the meeting place and someone will show you the ropes.
New members can submit their membership application on-line through British Cycling and the club uses British Cycling on-line systems to manage and interact with the membership. British Cycling's Data Privacy Notice can be found at
You do not need British Cycling membership but joining provide the 3rd party insurance required by the Club, as does Cycling UK or Triathlon Scotland membership. Annual club membership renewals are done by direct debit.
All active club members are required to have third party insurance cover. This can be obtained by purchasing membership of British Cycling or Cycling UK (CTC).
Those electing to join British Cycling for the first time are eligible for a 40% discount in their first year.
See Joining for the first time - British Cycling
Under 18s require parental consent to join the club and the Parental Consent form must also be completed in this instance.