June's Club 100 Ride - Headwinds, Bikers, a Duke and Romance!

Yesterday saw the second of our Club 100 rides with a fantastic turnout of members! The Club 100s are a summer series of longer cafe runs alternating between 100k and 100 miles every month and organised by our very own Mary Morgan.
Originally planned for a tour of the East Neuk the somewhat blustery weather saw a late route change heading West to avoid a headwind on the return leg. Club member Neil Martin came up with a superb plan heading out to Callander and taking on the Dukes Pass climb from the North.
The group met at the Glen Gates for 8am and spent what felt like a lifetime pushing through a very tough (and cold!) westerly but with some great teamwork we made it to Callander and our first cafe stop at the excellent Applejacks!
After a quick chat with some other bikers (leather clad ones!) about carbon related matters we departed to take on the Dukes Pass. Right on cue the weather broke and the heavens opened so on went the jackets....ten minutes later the clouds parted and sun beamed, so off they came again (you’ve gotta love riding in Scotland!).
The group splintered as the different riders climbed at their own pace and a special shout out must go to Falkirk Cycling Club who we encountered going the opposite way and who gave us a good few shouts of hello and encouragement as we made our ascent! (Or at least that’s what we thought they were shouting!)
Our climbing efforts were rewarded with a fast descent (surely the only good thing about a climb) and we reconvened as a group in Aberfoyle at the bottom. At this point it became clear a few members discovered bike handling skills they didn’t know they possessed avoiding a loose dog which ran across the road! Suffice to say no one came to any harm thankfully.
Pressing on we finally got the benefit of the tailwind which pushed us to our second stop of the day at the Woodhouse in Kippen where we enjoyed the fine Scottish weather dining Al Fresco with a bowl of what must be the best soup tasted in years!
Soon after, we all left for the final leg back to Dunfermline but after 5 minutes on the road club member Emma Webb experienced our only p***ture of the day. Husband Gary attempted to help and we were treated a fine display of teamwork in changing the errant tube. Who says romance is dead!
Taking further advantage of the tailwind home the group made light work of the remaining miles that lay ahead and we eventually arrived back in Dunfermline, a little tired and weather beaten, but with smiles all round at what was an excellent days riding with great company and 100 miles ticked off!