Ross Thomson climbs to win!
Huge congratulations go to club member Ross Thomson who recently won the Purin Den FCA Hill Climb Championship! Here's how events panned out in Ross' own words -
"I'd only just gotten back from camping and went away up to Purren Den for the Fife Cycling Association's Hill Climb Championship. This was my second hill climb of the season as last week I did the Cleish Climb and received a 2nd place, so thought I'd go full power this time and improve my diet on the approach.
We'd arrived at the top of the climb in the car and the view was stunning, very crisp clear skies and a slight westerly breeze, all set to attack your face at the final 100m straight at the top of the climb, I couldn't wait. I got ready, headed down and signed on, after I warmed up by going up and down the hill twice.
I was on the line number 25 ready to go off at 7:25. The final 30 seconds of me being on the line I thought man, this is gonna be a sore one, and as soon as you know 3, 2, 1...I was off gripping the bars tight and accelerating, legs going like the clappers. I spent most of the time thinking about my pace and McDonalds on the way up, at the end I thought more about the McDonalds.
I was nearly there and just round the corner, saw a long straight up hill and thought oh how long does it take! I had then reached the brow of another hill the same after that and saw the flag about 10 miles away (looked it) and started to dig hard on the pedals trying to tear up the tarmac and 20 feet from the finish, I knew I was nearly there, moments from victory and relaxation, so decided to get there sooner by going for a 10/10 sprint and also considering the mug shot Steve (Murphy) would take of me going over the line. I smashed up the pedals and went all out, legs burning as if they'd been dipped in lava and I'd done it. As soon as I was over the line I saw the grass as a Premier Inn and threw myself on to it as I was exhausted, but relieved.
I then cheered on other competitors and DCC members over the line, also Findlay from Carnegie Cyclones who also fell on the grass, I don't blame him! We then received the times from Mhairi "TIIIIIMMMEES" and she announced I had won the event and I was over the moon!
Overall I love how good it is to participate in these events, well organised by dedicated and inspirational people, as well as meeting a lot of great people who enjoy their sport, thoroughly enjoyed it, a thrilling experience! Well done to everyone who participated and helped outs."
Great write up Ross, we're all proud of you at DCC!